Bandai Namco Entertainment Asia today announced, the beloved title, ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN has sold a total of 6 million units worldwide (including digital versions), bringing the total worldwide sales of the ACE COMBAT series to more than 20 million units.*
In conjunction with this milestone, the series is celebrating its 6th anniversary and has released commemorative wallpapers for fans to enjoy, available for download at the end of this announcement.
Additionally, ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN is now on sale on PlayStation and Steam – details as follows:
*According to BNE research.
ACE COMBAT™7: SKIES UNKNOWN is a flight shooting game in which players take on the role of an ace pilot and enjoy the exhilaration of flying freely in 360 degrees around a graphic space that pursues realistic skies, the pleasure of selecting and destroying enemies based on their own judgment of the situation, and the sense of achievement in defeating the difficult situation that is imposed on them. This latest title in the series, PROJECT ACES, which has been involved in previous titles in the series, has been created under the theme of “Sky Innovation” to depict the expanse of clouds that fill the sky in three dimensions and the finely rendered terrain and landscape. In addition, the new tactical strategy of crossing in and out of the clouds, and up and down, allows players to enjoy more strategic and exciting air battles, and the most fascinating aerial battles and sense of speed in the series' 28-year history.